Event Site Database
The event site database (ESDB) is a contact management system (CMS). It is intended to be used by members of the SCA as a secure, single-source location for finding locations for events or meeting space. On the Add-Edit Entry page, anybody can add, edit, and delete their own posts, and can view everyone elses. Please, use, abuse, take notes, observe and report.
More information
- — Anonymous submission
This is the first page I wrote. Name and describe the venue. Click a few buttons. Hit submit. What could be easier?
- — Bucket entry
This is the second page I wrote. Each anonymously submitted venue must be entered into the system by a registered user. Just confirm that the address is not already in the system and move on. If the entry is a duplicate, delete it and go to the next one. If the entry is rude or nonsense, banish the user. They will not be able to make another entry until they apologize. Apologies are recorded. The data administrator has the power to exile the user if they have to apologize a lot.
- — Add-edit entry <– (start here)
This is the third page I wrote, but the one most people will use. Full featured data entry. Change GPS location. Add conversation data. Add amenities. Add photos. Then delete them.
If you didn't make the entry, then you cannot edit them, but you can add to them.
I have taken certain precautions to prevent the data gathered from getting into the wild.
In my mind, this is not our data. We have gathered it from friends. We have to protect it on their behalf.
Built by Philip Young inspired by a post on Facebook.